Home canning and food preservation is very much alive in parts of the United States, and the National Center for Home Food Preservation at the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service has canners', picklers', and curers'/smokers' interests at heart. The Center advises people on how to can foods safely, along with offering recipes for how to make delicious foods. The most notable freebie the website offers visitors is "Preserving Food at Home: A Self-Study." It is a self-paced, online course that teaches "Introduction to Food Preservation," "General Canning," "Canning Acid Foods," and "Canning Low-Acid Foods." The "Multimedia" section has "Videos," "Slideshows," "Graphics Galleries," and "Tutorials" to make the process of canning, pickling, drying, and freezing come to life. The "Graphics Galleries" are for those who give presentations, papers, lectures, etc., for educational and not-for-profit purposes. Some of the galleries include a "Drying Gallery," "Equipment Gallery," "Pickling Gallery," and a "Raw Foods Gallery."