Almost all of the forests that cover the Earth are inhabited. Despite this fact, the forest policies of most countries regard the forest land as empty and exploitable. Additionally, some conservation projects that hope to establish wildlife preserves also deny the rights of forest people. The website of the Forest Peoples Programme, a 20-year-old British based-group, offers insight into what they do, their "publications and reports", "how to donate", and an e-newsletter in English, Portuguese, and French that is published every two months. The "What We Do" option in the menu across the top of the page has numerous sections to show visitors "Strategies", "Success Stories", and "Themes of Work". Some of the "Themes of Work" include "Environmental Governance", "Legal and Human Rights Support", "Extractive Industries", and "Intellectual Property Rights". There are dozens of publications available free online, or visitors can also order hard copies for a fee. The purpose of the publications is to "influence debate, support legal interventions and inform peoples internationally".