The Business and Economics Library at Columbia University has digitized 770 historic corporate annual reports from their very extensive print collection. The reports are from 36 companies, and they range in dates from the 1850s to the 1960s, and are mainly from "corporations that operated in and around New York City." Visitors can search for the reports through an "Alphabetical List" or "Subject List", or browse by clicking on "View the Full List (XLS)". The "Sample Images" that are featured in the lower right hand corner of the homepage are from "Edison Electric Illuminating" and "Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Company". Once visitors choose an image to view, they will be able to view all of the years' digitized reports for that corporation, by clicking on the "Table of Contents" dropdown box. Visitors shouldn't miss the greatly detailed illustration from 1911 of the "Hudson Terminal Buildings", which is one of the chosen "Sample Images".