Data is a type of gold to policy wonks, scholars, and others, and those with an interest in such matters will be delighted to learn about the London Datastore website. The intent of the site is to release all of the Greater London Authority's data, and visitors can get started by clicking on the "Data by Theme" link. Here they will find several dozen data sets organized thematically into headings such as "Business and Economy" and "Demographics". Some of the data sets are quite specific, such as the record of "Ambulance Call Outs to Animal Attack Incidents". A good introduction to the aims and goals of the site can be found in the "About" area. Here visitors can view several short films from the database launch. The site is set up for easy sharing of information via social media; there are links to Facebook, Digg, and Twitter here. Finally, visitors are also encouraged to join the London Datastore Google Group and to send in their own feedback.