The Annenberg Foundation, that giant of media and philanthropy, has a wonderful website that aims to "advance the Foundation's goal of encouraging the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge." Available here are videos, along with companion web and print materials, to improve the teaching methods of K-12 teachers. One of the latest series is "Art through Time: A Global View" and it explores art, culture, and human history and how they impact each other. The series is suitable for adults, college and high school teachers, and includes "13 half-hour video programs, a website with art images, accompanying text, and course guide." Visitors interested in viewing the video segments, need only find the topic they are interested in, under "Individual Program Descriptions" on the right hand menu, and then click on the box icon with "VoD" under it. Some of the topics include "Converging Cultures", "History and Memory", and "The Urban Experience".