The North Carolina Visual Communication program at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has an award-winning web presence that covers many different areas of photojournalism, including documentary and video. Visitors interested in seeing some of the short videos students have created thus far can click on "Vimeo", on the right side of the page. The video "They Stole So Much More..." starts off with a closed-circuit video of a convenience store robbery. The work goes on to tell the story of the wife whose husband was the clerk killed in that robbery. Black and white stills of the wife and young children, mixed with film clips, make the wife's narration particularly compelling. Visitors should also check out the two-and-a-half minute video "One Way in, One Way Out", which is a set of interviews of citizens from the same southern town. The interviewees all discuss how the town has changed over the years, and the light captured in this short film is beautiful and memorable, and is reminiscent of an early morning.