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Oregon Multicultural Archives Digital Collection

Ethnic minorities in Oregon are the subject of this Oregon State University Library website and the collection "consists of images that document the lives and activities of ethnic minorities in Oregon." With its streamlined homepage, visitors can focus on the collection and how to search or browse through it. Visitors are also welcome to contribute information on any unidentified photographs, by clicking on "Contact Us", near the bottom of the homepage. In addition, visitors can also click on the "Browse" link to see every one of the 239 items in the collection. Those users with something more specific in mind should use the "Quick Links" drop down box in the top right hand corner of the homepage. Some of the subject areas that can be searched for are "African Americans", "Indians of North America", "Mexican Americans", "Political Parades and Rallies", and "Powwows". The "Indexes" available to search are organized into headings like "Photographer", "Subject" and "Geographic", and they can be found below the "Quick Links" drop down box.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
August 28th, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
August 28th, 2009 at 11:10am
Date Of Record Release
August 31st, 2009 at 1:40pm
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