Flow is a stylish-looking online television and studies journal started in 2004 at the University of Texas at Austin which "provide[s] a space where researchers, teachers, students, and the public can read about and discuss the changing landscape of contemporary media at the speed that media moves." Their news articles on the homepage range from "Myth, The Numinous, and Cultural Studies", "Television, Participatory Culture and Politics: The Case for Indian Idol", and "A Look Back at Michael Jackson". Visitors interested in seeing how Flow's layout and design has changed since their start should click on the "About Flow" tab at the top of any page, and then go down to the link "Flow: A Visual History". The "Archives" of the journal are complete, and can be accessed on any page, from a drop down box on the left side of the page. Podcasts from the "Flow Conference 2008" are forthcoming, but articles and insights from the 2006 Flow Conference are available in the "Archives", and provide for very interesting reading.