A town of approximately 3,500 people on the Sheboygan River in Wisconsin, Kiel has had its history captured exceedingly well by a fellow townsman who collected over 110 notebooks of historical documents about Kiel and its people. These notebooks have been recently donated to the Kiel public library. The 120 years of images and documents give a unique view of how the small city weathered two world wars and political, social, and economic change. The University of Wisconsin Digital Collections website features 630 photos of thousands in the collection that depict "commerce, recreation, cultural events, and other day-to-day activities of the men, women, and children who lived, worked, and played in the same neighborhoods that continue to thrive, albeit in different ways, in the 21st Century." Visitors can view the images by the following subjects: "People & Portraits", "Street Scenes", "Leisure & Special Events", "Schools & Community Services", "Neighborhoods" and "Business & Industry."