On this website, the Bancroft Library and the Ethnic Studies Library at the University of California Berkeley, along with the California Historical Library, present a collection of the Chinese in California digital archive in a topical format. This approach is meant to help gather the diverse resources available in the archive in a more manageable manner. The collection is comprised of books, pamphlets, prints, photographs, manuscripts, and sheet music. The topics into which they are divided include "Chinese and Westward Expansion", "Chinese Communities outside of San Francisco", "Sentiments Concerning the Chinese", and "Anti-Chinese Movement and Exclusion". Once visitors have chosen a topic, they should click on the link in the middle of the homepage to be taken to a short explanation about the topic. Links to other websites with related or more in depth information are also included. For instance, the entry for the "Oroville Chinese Temple" gives a link to the Temple's website.