The United States Department of Agriculture has the results of the 2007 Census of Agriculture now available on its website. Unlike the ten-year census of all people, the census of agriculture occurs every five years. But what exactly is counted in an agriculture census, you might ask? By looking at the USDA website under the Census Highlights section in the middle of the homepage, visitors can get a taste of what data is collected. "Farm Numbers", "Women Farmers", "Demographics", "Watersheds" and a number of farmers of different ethnic groups, such as "Asian Farmers", "Black Farmers" "Hispanic Farmers" and "American Indian Farmers" are all presented. Also, a few special surveys, which are linked at the bottom of the page address organic farming production and the use of irrigation in farming and ranching. Visitors interested in historical agricultural census data can find it on the left side of the page. The "Historical Years" link has data in ten year increments from 1840-1950, the later dates providing a wider range of data. Also on the left side of the page is a drop down box that allows users to search for census information for a particular state.