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Billie Jean Isbell Andean Collection: Images from the Andes

Billie Jean Isbell began researching the Andes with her 1967 honors' thesis, and she has returned many times since then and documented her research and travels. This very compelling digital collection brings together around 1500 photographs that she took in and around the Andes, along with a selection of indigenous music and her ethnography, "To Defend Ourselves: Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village". Visitors can get started by looking at the "Collection Highlights" area which includes thematic areas like "Gender", "Rituals", and "Protest Art". The "Vertical Ecology of the Andes" area is a true gem, and it contains photographs and other materials that document the ecological zones throughout the region. Additionally, the "Resources" area contains detailed citations on the papers that have been produced as a result of Isbell's work, along with other related publications.
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