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Civil Air Transport/Air America Collection

The Civil Air Transport (CAT) group was started after World War II in China by General Claire L. Chennault and Whiting Willauer. It was certainly a rather intriguing and adventurous idea, as the CAT began to use surplus aircraft to airlift supplies and food into war-ravaged China. Over the coming decades CAT would fly various missions (clandestine and otherwise) to countries in Southeast Asia. In 1959, CAT was renamed Air America and they continued their work until 1976. This particular collection at the University of Texas at Dallas brings together photographs and other documents that tell the story of the organization. Visitors to the site can view the "Recent Submissions" offerings to look over newer offerings, or they can also search via a list of authors, titles, and subjects. There's a wide range of items here, including photos of Air America hats, training sessions, formal officer photos, and Laos.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
March 20th, 2009
Date Of Record Creation
March 20th, 2009 at 9:02am
Date Of Record Release
March 20th, 2009 at 10:57am
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