International Futures is a computer simulation of global systems for classroom or research use that aids in long-term forecasting and analyzing global trends. The global modeling system shows how subsystems, such as demographics, economics, energy, agricultural, social, and environmental interact in the global system. The model can be used online or via a downloadable version, by clicking on "Use IFs" in the menu on the left side of the page. Also in the menu is "IFs Help", which takes the visitor to the very important help system that is necessary for a model as complicated as this one. Under the "Community" tab, visitors will find that the community is divided up into several categories, including "Users" and "Modelers". At the "Documents" tab visitors can find "Reports" link, which cover IFs Structure, IFs Analysis and Student Papers, and they are all downloadable as pdf files. Also, under the "Documents" tab is a link to "Syllabi", which has a dozen syllabi from universities throughout the U.S. that have used IFs in a course. Visitors interested in submitting their own syllabi are encouraged to do so via e-mail.