This intriguing look into the life of one of America's oldest urban areas begins with a thoughtful insight: "The American city has been seen as problematic at least since the time of Jefferson." New Haven, Connecticut has certainly been seen as problematic throughout the ages, and this site provides a place to learn about its successes and its failures. Created by staff members at the Yale University Library (in consultation with professors and others), the material here is divided into three sections: "Images", "Maps", and "Data". After clicking on the "Images" area visitors can view specific images from New Haven's many neighborhoods. The historic images cover industrial geography, commercial districts, community events, and so on. In the "Maps" area, visitors can make their way amidst maps of the city that date from 1852 to 1995. This section also contains information from Census 2000, and information about clubs and hotels that existed in the city in the early 20th century. Finally, the data area contains census reports and data files from the past 150 years.