Recently, the National Park Service has been creating a host of new multimedia virtual museum exhibits. This particular site features the life and times of President Dwight Eisenhower by looking into his wartime leadership, his hobbies, and his successful cattle operation at the Eisenhower Farms in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The site makes very effective use of multimedia slide shows, ephemeral items, and historic images to tell the story of Eisenhower's rather diverse pursuits. Perhaps the best place to start on the site is the virtual tour of the Eisenhower's family home in Gettysburg. The home still contains many of the original furnishings, and short of being there, this is a great way to experience its various charms. Moving on, visitors can also view a timeline of Eisenhower's achievements and look through the image gallery, which is divided into thematic sections such as "Early Military Career", "Presidency", and "Campaign".