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U.S. Department of Energy: Clean Cities

Keeping cities clean and "green" is at the top of many policy makers lists these days, and the "Clean Cities" initiative at the U.S. Department of Energy is a great place to learn more about everything from alternative fuel sources to hybrid vehicles. Visitors to the site can sign up for their free electronic newsletter, take a look through the alternative fuels and advanced vehicles data center, and read through "Clean Cities Now", which is their quarterly newsletter. Policy makers and others will definitely want to click over to the "Coalitions" area. Here they will find information on how to start a coalition of local stakeholders to work on these issues in their area. Additionally, visitors can look through the "Coordinator Toolbox" area for information on how to fund various projects and how to communicate with fellow stakeholders and participants.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
December 12th, 2007
Data Type
Date of Scout Publication
June 20th, 2008
Date Of Record Creation
June 20th, 2008 at 9:27am
Date Of Record Release
June 23rd, 2008 at 9:48am
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