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Sunk in Lucre's Sordid Charms: South Sea Bubble Resources in the Kress Collection at Baker Library

The very name "South Sea Bubble" conjures up an image of a marauding marine monster seeking to prey on unsuspecting spice traders and thieving pirates. Actually, the South Sea Bubble refers to a "complex network of intersecting financial, legal, political, and cultural factors" which contributed to the "bubble" in question. This bubble led to the total collapse of the South Sea Company in 1720, which led to a massive series of financial catastrophes. Not surprisingly, this fine digital documentation project of the South Sea Bubble was undertaken by the Baker Library at the Harvard Business School. Visitors can click on the "What is the South Sea Bubble?" to learn a bit more about the basic outline of the history of this financial collapse and then move on over to the actual collection of items. Here they will find topical lists divided into such headings as "Commerce and Trade", "Government and Politics", "Crime and Law", and "Finance". Each of these areas contains complete bibliographical information about each item, and visitors can also click on the "List All Digital Content" link to find the items that are currently available directly through this site. The site is rounded out by a "Project Overview" area that provides a brief sketch of how this collection was created.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
June 13th, 2008
Date Of Record Creation
June 13th, 2008 at 8:36am
Date Of Record Release
June 13th, 2008 at 11:02am
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