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SurveyLA: Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey

If you mention "historic preservation" and "Los Angeles" in the same sentence, some people might raise their eyebrows. The City of Angeles has constantly reinvented itself during its relatively brief existence, and much of the city's urban fabric has been chewed up by bulldozers and ambitious developers over the past several decades. However, the J. Paul Getty Trust is providing financial backing for the very exciting and ambitious project known as "SurveyLA". The intent of SurveyLa is to complete a citywide survey that will identify and document historic resources representing significant themes in the city's history. Visitors to the site can learn about the survey's methods, read a FAQ section, and also locate historic properties. It's a very well-done website, and it's one that other historic preservation officials and persons with an interest in such matters may want to consult as they think about their own efforts in this area.
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