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Food Policy Institute at Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

Established as a research unit of Rutgers University, the Food Policy Institute is interested in "supporting public and private decision makers who shape aspects of the food system within which government, agriculture, industry and the consumer interact." Interested parties can get the basic sense of what the Institute does on a regular basis by looking over the short introductory essay in the "About Us" area. Moving on, users can look over the "Research Projects" area, and then make their way to the "Publications" area. Policymakers and agricultural specialists will be delighted to learn about reports such as "The U.S. Food Import System: Issues, Processes and Proposals" and "The Economic Impact of Agritourism in New Jersey: A 2006 Assessment". The site is rounded out by the "Resources" section, which contains handy links to government agencies, academic institutions, and industry groups working in this area.
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