Nutrition is very important, and coming across high-quality websites on the subject is a real treat. The United States Department of Agriculture created the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) in 1971, and their work is designed to provide a broad range of resources of nutrition for health professionals, educators, government personnel, and consumers. As with many of the USDA's sites, visitors can perform a full search using the embedded search engine, or use the "I Want To..." area to look up calories or nutrients in a food or ask a question of their resource specialists. First-time visitors should also look at their "Spotlights" section, which includes a special food pyramid for pregnant and nursing moms, the "Healthy Meals" resource system for child nutrition professionals, and food safety information. For those who know more or less what they are looking for, they can take advantage of the subject headings on the left-hand side of the homepage. Here they will find resources on weight and obesity, dietary supplements, dietary guidance, and food labeling.