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Universal Leonardo

To say Leonardo da Vinci was a bit of a polymath is akin to casually mentioning that Rachmaninov had some facility on the piano. His works spanned the visual arts, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, and many other areas which have fascinated and confounded humans for millennia. This website serves as an tribute to his prodigious skills, and it warrants several visits. On the top of the homepage, visitors will find sections that include "Visit," "Explore," "Play," "Discover," and "Research." Visitors would do well to look through the "Explore" section first. Here they can take in interactive exhibits which look into da Vinci's work on human anatomy, the natural world, and his thoughts on light and vision. Moving along, the "Play" section is truly fun for all ages, as visitors can make their own monster, interact with a series of pulleys, and even make the Mona Lisa smile. Additionally, the "Discover" area discusses the various scientific techniques used to explore and analyze da Vinci's "Madonna of the Yarnwinder."
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
March 21st, 2008
Date Of Record Creation
March 21st, 2008 at 9:35am
Date Of Record Release
March 21st, 2008 at 10:22am
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