Created in 2000, The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa is an initiative supported by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, The Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The primary goal of the Partnership is to support the renaissance of higher education in Africa. From the year 2000 to 2005 these partner organizations have contributed more than $150 million to support special initiatives and build core capacity in Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. First-time visitors may wish to read the introductory piece titled "What is the Partnership?" and then continue on to the "Focal Areas" section. Higher education scholars and policy analysts will want to make sure and look through the "Publications" section. Here they will find a number of publications, including recent works like "Public & Private Universities in Kenya: New Challenges, Issues & Achievements" and "Gender in the Making of the Nigerian University System". Finally, the "Resources" area contains a fine selection of external links that address African universities, consortia, networks, and think tanks.