The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA) traces its roots to a workshop held in Thailand in 1974. This is a regional partnership of eleven different social development networks and organizations in ten Asian countries "that envisions Asian rural communities that are just, free, prosperous, living in peace and working in solidarity towards self-reliance." As part of a sustained effort to achieve these goals, they work on mobilizing expertise and opportunities for said rural communities and they also assist with human resource development programs. On this site, visitors can learn more about their work through sections that include "Publications", "The Network", and "Programs". Before diving into these areas, visitors may wish to start by looking over some of the topical posts organized on the right-hand side of the page. After that, visitors should look to the "Publications" area for works dealing with solidarity building among rural communities and primers on the rice industry in Asia. The site is rounded out by a selection of photographs and a link where visitors can learn about supporting their efforts.