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EU Reform: A New Treaty or an Old Constitution?

The future of Europe is a subject that has intrigued scholars, policymakers, and politicians since long before the Treaty of Westphalia, and this working paper is an interesting reflection on that subject. Released in July 2007, the paper was authored by Vaughne Miller on behalf of the British Parliament's House of Commons. Miller's work takes a critical look at the failure of the European Union (EU) to effectively ratify the 2004 "Treaty Establishing a Constitution For Europe". The report begins with a brief summary, and then goes on to discuss the viewpoints offered by different EU institutions, member states, and the general public. It's definitely worth a look, as it offers both incisive analysis and commentary on the political economy of the EU.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
July 24th, 2007
Data Type
Date of Scout Publication
September 14th, 2007
Date Of Record Creation
September 14th, 2007 at 8:02am
Date Of Record Release
September 14th, 2007 at 9:19am
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