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Global E-Government, 2007

The "Inside Politics" website is maintained by Professor Darrell West of Brown University, and visitors to the site will find some of his publications, lectures, and related materials. One of his recent additions to the site is this paper on the state of global e-government from August 2007. This is actually the seventh annual update on the state of global e-government from Professor West, and within its 25-pages, there is a wealth of valuable information. For this work, Professor West analyzed 1,687 national government websites for 198 nations around the world. Some of his findings include the observation that 96 percent of these websites provide access to publications and 80 percent have links to databases. The report includes a number of tables, graphs, charts, and several useful appendices. Given the scope of this work, it will be very illuminating to persons with an interest in political science, information science, and governance studies.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
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Date of Scout Publication
August 31st, 2007
Date Of Record Creation
August 31st, 2007 at 9:32am
Date Of Record Release
September 4th, 2007 at 9:48am
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