Starting a research project on the music of Johann Sebastian Bach can be a bit like attempting to take a drink from a fire hydrant. You could get overwhelmed immediately, or alternately, you could browse on over to the very fine Bach Bibliography website. This prodigious online database is complied and maintained by Yo Tomita of the School of Music at Queen's University in Belfast. First-time visitors would do well to start by reading through the "Introduction" section and also the helpful "Q&A" forum area. All visitors should definitely stop by the "Essential Collections" area, which brings together information on the most-commonly cited works on Bach and his music. Of course, those who wish to check out the newest materials on this master composer should click their way through the "New Publications" area to have a look around. The site is rounded out by a section of peer-authored reviews of books on and about Bach's work, life, and other germane matters.