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One Laptop Per Child

Several years ago, noted researcher and computer-aided design pioneer Nicholas Negroponte embarked on a program to develop a laptop computer that would be sold for use in the developing world. The catch was that the computer needed to be very affordable, and in fact it needed to cost around $100. Now it looks as is if that project has come to fruition, as the laptop will be shipped shortly to a number of countries in the coming months. Visitors who are interested in this type of development strategy will appreciate learning about this site, which contains information on the actual laptop, along with some material about the overall goals of this project. The FAQ section is quite a pip in itself, and visitors will also not want to miss their in-house wiki, which contains a good deal of additional material about the project, complete with frequent updates. The site is rounded out by a "Downloads" section, which contains some nice renderings of this very compact and sturdy $100 laptop.
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