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Water’s Journey Everglades Currents of Change

Understanding the ecological history and operation of the Everglades is complicated, and when one considers the role that humans play in its transformation, things get even more complex. This website, created by Karst Productions (with substantial support from the Florida Department of Agriculture and the South Florida Water Management District) does a nice job of bringing web users a wealth of information about the history and contemporary situation in and around this massive area. Clicking on the “Begin Your Journey” link brings up an interactive map of south Florida that contains conceptual animations of the Everglades water flow before human impact, the current water flow, and the planned flow after the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CREP) is completed. Visitors should then proceed to the Everglades Historical Timeline, which tracks the earliest human interventions into the area all the way up to the present day through photographs and other primary documents. Finally, a splendid section of educational resources offers lesson plans, teaching modules, and other such material.
Scout Publication
Data Type
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
November 17th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
November 17th, 2006 at 9:10am
Date Of Record Release
November 21st, 2006 at 10:41am
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