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Mayo Clinic: History and Heritage

Heeding the words of their father, one Dr. W.W. Mayo, “No one is big enough to be independent of others”, Dr. William J. Mayo and Dr. Charles H. Mayo helped create one of the world’s first private integrated group practices of medicine. Now known as the Mayo Clinic, the story of their work is closely intertwined with the story of American medical history. As an attempt to bring this story to the web-browsing public, staff members at the Clinic recently created this historical timeline that offers some perspective on their institutional history. With their mouse in hand, visitors can move across the interactive timeline, which deploys high-quality photographs and short descriptions in its quest to document the Clinic’s various achievements, such as the creation of the first heart bypass machine in 1955. Finally, online visitors can get up close and personal to some of the artifacts that are close to the Mayo Clinic traditions, including a 1904 photograph of some of the medical staff at the Clinic.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
September 8th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
September 8th, 2006 at 8:37am
Date Of Record Release
September 8th, 2006 at 9:20am
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