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Inside Cancer

Created at the Dolan DNA Learning Center of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Inside Cancer site is a rather remarkable exploration of the nature of cancer in the human body. Utilizing graphics and interactive animations that serve to explain this complex condition, the site is divided into sections that deal with the causes and prevention of cancer, its diagnosis and treatment, and how the disease manifests itself. Each section combines well-drawn animations with video clips of scientists narrating brief passages that illuminate the accompanying descriptions and captions. Along the way, visitors will learn about current ways that cancer can be treated, and future directions for cancer research. Overall, the site should be praised for its ease of use, and its applications could include use in classrooms with a wide range of age levels and abilities.
Scout Publication
Date Issued
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
August 18th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
August 18th, 2006 at 9:03am
Date Of Record Release
August 18th, 2006 at 10:53am
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