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National Academy of Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) operates under the aegis of the National Academy of Sciences, which itself was created in 1863 by President Lincoln. NAE came into its own in 1964, when it was created to provide engineering leadership and expertise in service to the United States. First-time visitors to the site may wish to look through the “News” section, as it offers a list of recent achievements and outreach efforts that have taken place under the NAE and its associates. The rest of the materials on the site are divided into sections that are quite familiar, including those that list the NAE’s publications and their current initiatives. These are all fine sections, but the real treat here is the NAE websites listed on the left-hand side of the homepage. These sites include “Engineer Girl” and “Technically Speaking”. Engineer Girl is designed to encourage young women to consider careers in engineering and appropriately enough, there is a cornucopia of related information on such endeavors. The Technically Speaking website takes as its premise that it is increasingly important for persons in the 21st century to be technologically literate and savvy. To help achieve this goal, the site includes full-text reports that document the current state of technological literacy and a supplementary set of resources and links, including classroom activities and some fine general interest sites that deal with the history of technology and other germane subjects.
Scout Publication
Data Type
Required Software
Date of Scout Publication
May 19th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
May 19th, 2006 at 8:31am
Date Of Record Release
May 19th, 2006 at 3:23pm
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