The very title of this website would perhaps draw only hushed whispers from those commentators in the world of education policy, and that’s probably not a bad reaction. The site makes good on the promise of its title, as it offers the casual and seasoned visitor a wide variety of indicators in the forms of tables and charts, including total enrollments in grades K-12, trends in half-day kindergarten, and past and projected undergraduate enrollment figures. Culled from annual reports created by the National Center for Education Statistics, these helpful pieces of information and data are complemented nicely by a series of special analyses, including “Mobility in the Teacher Workforce” and “Private Schools: A Brief Portrait”. If visitors encounter any problems finding the information they desire, they should consult the “User’s Guide”, which contains directions on how to best navigate the site. Finally, the site is rounded out by a brief summary that highlights some of the findings of the 2005 Condition of Education report.