Born in 1872 in Ohio, Paul Laurence Dunbar is generally recognized to be the first African-American poet to achieve world-wide recognition for the elegancy and honesty of his published work. This site, provided by the Wright State University Libraries, provides access to some of Dunbar’s lovely poetry, along with a selection of photographs of the poet himself. Visitors may want to start by reading the brief biography of Dunbar offered here, and then continue on to browse through some of his poetry. Visitors can also browse through some of his books, which include “Majors and Minors” and “Howdy Honey Howdy”. Several of Dunbar’s libretti are also included here, such as “My Little Black Lamb” and “Who Knows”. For those visitors whose interest is piqued by these offerings, there is also a section that contains suggestions for additional reading and a number of links to helpful websites.