Started in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is an organization that is dedicated to preserving the various freedoms and rights within the digital "frontier", which includes blogs, online intellectual property, and so on. On their homepage, visitors can learn about news items of particular relevance, and also read about some of the cases they are currently working on. For those who might have an inkling of what they are looking for, a "Topics" section includes links to information about bloggers' rights, file-sharing, e-voting, and surveillance. Other visitors might want to take a look at their white papers, which include such titles as "Noncommercial Email Lists: Collateral Damage in the Fight Against Spam" and "Dangerous Terms-A User's Guide to End User License Agreements". Finally, visitors should also note that a number of the materials are available in Spanish, and that RSS feeds are available as well.