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Public Information Films

At the time of their creation, public information films created by the British government after World War II may have been seen as overly didactic and pedestrian in their approach to filmmaking. Fifty years on, they are most correctly seen as a fascinating way to gain some insight into this particular moment in British history. The National Archives has created this website which contains several dozen of these public information films that deal with such diverse subjects as public health, a trip on a London bus, and the Berlin airlift. Before delving into the films, visitors may wish to peruse a timeline of pertinent events during the years 1945 to 1951 and also read about the austere conditions around much of the United Kingdom during the period.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
January 13th, 2006
Date Of Record Creation
January 13th, 2006 at 9:59am
Date Of Record Release
January 13th, 2006 at 2:07pm
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