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World Agricultural Information Centre Portal

Disseminating information about any subject to a broad range of constituents and concerned parties and organizations can be a formidable task, no matter what the medium might be. This website is designed to achieve just that goal for agriculture, and it has a mandate from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT) is designed to provide a framework for disseminating agricultural information. In many ways functions as a portal, collecting links to relevant websites and documents through a series of topical and subtopical headings. Given the sheer amount of material here, visitors will take comfort to learn that the site’s homepage features a “Highlights” section that draws their attention to new additions, such as the FAO Tsunami Portal. Additionally, visitors can take advantage of a sophisticated search engine offered here, or just browse around through such topics as agroindustry and forest management.
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