The Office of the Surgeon General has rather interesting origins, as it was originally established as part of the U.S. Marine Hospital Service in 1798. By 1870, the Marine Hospital Service was reorganized as a national hospital system under the direction of the Supervising Surgeon, who was later given the title of Surgeon General. Officially, the primary mission of the Surgeon General is to oversee the 6000 member Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, but over the years, those who have held the office have taken on a number of controversial issues, such as teenage sexuality and the dangers of smoking. On the Surgeon General’s website, visitors can learn about public health priorities, read speeches given by the General, and examine testimony given to Congress. Perhaps the most compelling area here is the reports and publications area of the site, which includes a number of public health reports issued by the Surgeon General, including “Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Surgeon General’s Report”.