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Environmental Protection Agency: Superfund

The Superfund program has been around for approximately 25 years, and has been known for its attention to some of the United States' most egregious and offensive uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Operated under the direction of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Superfund's website contains copious amounts of information that is of use to the general public, environmentalists, and policy makers. First-time visitors may want to peruse the FAQ section, or look through some of the "In The News" updates provided near the top of the homepage. Along the left-hand side of the homepage, visitors can quickly move to sections that deal with community involvement in long-range Superfund plans, the location of Superfund sites across the country, and the ecological risks presented by various sites. Appropriately enough, there is even a "Superfund for Kids!" area of the site that offers a basic introduction to the Superfund program for the younger set.
Data Type
Date of Scout Publication
June 3rd, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
June 3rd, 2005 at 12:31pm
Date Of Record Release
July 8th, 2005 at 3:10pm
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