As many communities around the United States plan tributes to those who have given their lives in the service of their country for Memorial Day, a number of veterans’ groups continue to voice their concerns emphatically. In Washington, D.C. a group of veterans living at the US Armed Forces Retirement Home filed a class-action suit against Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and the operating officer of the home this past Tuesday. In the suit, the veterans have alleged that they can no longer get prescriptions and regular doctor checkups due to service cuts. One resident of the home, Homer Rutherford, remarked that “These cuts are affecting our health. If I could sit with Secretary Rumsfeld or Senator Warner, I would tell them: ‘This isn’t right’”. In the Midwest, veterans in Illinois were able to pressure Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson to set up a special unit to take a closer look at old disability claims of veterans who feel that their cases did not receive adequate appraisal. Many veterans in Illinois were quite relieved, particularly since a recent report from the inspector general released the week before showed that Illinois has ranked last in disability payments to veterans for the past 20 years.
The first link will take visitors to a Washington Post news article that details the recent lawsuit filed by the veterans at the US Armed Forces Retirement Home. The second link leads to an article from Saturday’s Chicago Sun-Times which provides some details about the decision of the VA Secretary to examine the claims of veterans living in Illinois. The third link leads to the homepage of the US Department of Veterans Affairs, where visitors can learn about various VA facilities and other services for veterans. The fourth link leads the National Gulf War Resource Center webpage, which is designed to provide resources for veterans who participated in these military conflicts in the Middle East. The fifth link leads to the very nice Experiencing War website, provided by the Library of Congress. Here users can read personal narratives sent in by veterans from all wars and learn more about the human side of these different military engagements. The final link will take visitors to a special interview from Voice of America with one of World War II’s most celebrated veterans, Bob Dole.