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International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

The primary aim of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) is "to deliver scientific knowledge to help human societies develop in harmony with Earth's environment". To achieve this rather broad agenda, the IGBP works in collaboration with other like-minded international organizations, including the World Climate Research Programme. From the homepage, visitors can read an executive summary of the organization's work and achievements, or access highlights from its ongoing research, such as recent work on the North Sea and its function as a "carbon pump". Researchers and scientists will appreciate the extensive publications section, which includes recent work on global wetland distribution and predicting global change impacts on mountain hydrology and ecology. Finally, the site also contains a list of IGBP-sponsored events, along with related conferences and other such germane events.
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Date of Scout Publication
May 20th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
May 19th, 2005 at 1:05pm
Date Of Record Release
July 6th, 2005 at 3:13pm
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