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Computer Recycling

Given current rates of computer consumerism and technological advances, one might expect to find a lot of computers out there in the world. What happens to these old computers? This Topic in Depth explores this issue, reviews some options for recycling computers, and provides tips for anyone considering purchasing a refurbished computer. The first article from BBC News (1) reports on research which suggests that "the number of personal computers worldwide is expected to double by 2010 to 1.3 billion machines." The second article from Oasis, a project of the Irish eGovernment initiative, (2) reviews some of the issues surrounding waste from electrical and electronic equipment. This next article from PC World (3) gives some ideas for how to dispose of an old notebook computer. One option, of course, is to donate your notebook, which is discussed in this article from Tech Soup (4). Another resource for information on computer recycling and reuse is this website from CompuMentor (5). Given the current market for computers, many are considering refurbished computers. This article from Vnunet (6 ) explains what a refurbished computer is while the next website provides some tips for buying a refurbished computer (7 ). Finally, this article from reports on the recently introduced National Computer Recycling Act (8).
Alternate Title
BBC News: PC Ownership to 'Double by 2010'Oasis: Waste from Electrical and Electronic EquipmentPC World: How to Dispose of an Old NotebookTech Soup: Ten Tips for Donating a ComputerCompuMentor: Computer Recycling & Reuse ProgramVnunet: Refurbished PCsRefurbished Computers Buyers Bill to Curb Electronic Waste Introduced
Date of Scout Publication
February 25th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
February 24th, 2005 at 11:44am
Date Of Record Release
March 24th, 2005 at 5:35pm
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