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Quaternary Studies

First, the Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA) website publicizes its aim "to promote Quaternary studies in Ireland through its publications, and the organization of field meetings and conferences" (1). Visitors can learn about the importance of quaternary studies as well as find out the latest news and upcoming meetings. At the second website, the University of Wisconsin-Madison describes the current and recent studies dealing with "basic and applied problems in glacial geology, surficial geology, palynology, sedimentology, geologic mapping, hydrogeology, soils, and environmental geology "(2). The website offers abstracts of publications of members of the Department of Geology and Geophysics and the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey along with descriptions of the lab, a shaded relief map of the Wisconsin area, and amusing glacial songs. Next, the Godwin Institute of Quaternary Research (GIQR) presents the University of Cambridge's history in quaternary research and the seven current research groups and four recent research projects (3 ). The website furnishes news from the research groups, a gallery of historical images of the East Anglia excursion, and summaries of the Institute's reference collections. Fourth, the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) discusses quaternary scientists' investigations "to interpret the changing world of the glacial ages and their impact on our planet's surface environments" (4). Researchers can find out about INQUA-funded projects, meetings, and scientific commissions. Next, the Quaternary Research Association explains that it "exists to promote understanding of the Quaternary Period by publishing field guides, technical guides, and an international journal as well as holding field meetings and speaker meetings" (5). Students and researchers can discover employment, research, grant, meetings, and educational opportunities. Sixth, the University of Wales presents its investigations in the Remote Sensing Laboratory, Palaeoecology Laboratory, and the Luminescence Laboratory (6 ). Users can find concise descriptions of individual researchers' successes, abstracts of published papers, and links to conference information. The seventh website illustrates the Alaska Quaternary Center's commitment "to the promotion of interdisciplinary research and the enhancement of interdisciplinary instruction in Quaternary sciences" (7). Users can view images of the field work and learn how to obtain quaternary data from the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA). Lastly, Rutgers University promotes its Graduate Certificate in Quaternary Studies where students take part in geology, geography, meteorology, and other disciplines interested in the last couple of million years of Earth's history (8). Students and educators can find information on the researchers involved with the program and the necessary course work.
Alternate Title
Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA) Quaternary Research at the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Godwin Inst
Date of Scout Publication
February 18th, 2005
Date Of Record Creation
February 17th, 2005 at 1:58pm
Date Of Record Release
March 24th, 2005 at 3:01pm
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