The Internet continues to evolve as a global library, allowing free and easy public access to an increasing number of valuable documents. One such treasure, found in the archives of the USDA Forest Service St. Paul Field Office website, is _ Silvics of North America_, a substantial publication describing "the silvical characteristics of about 200 conifers and hardwood trees in the coterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Individual articles were researched and written by knowledgeable Forest Service, university, and cooperating scientists." The publication is intended to be useful to foresters, educators, and researchers both for teaching purposes, and as a reference. Based on an earlier manual published in 1965, _ Silvics of North America_ was published in 1990, and required a decade to finish. In addition to tree information, the document includes checklists for organisms causing tree diseases, insects and mites, birds, and mammals.