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Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation

The concerns of such indigenous peoples who are unrepresented in the pantheon of nations is admirably represented by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO), who strive "to protect their human and cultural rights, preserve their environments, and to find non-violent solutions to conflicts which affect them." The best way to learn about these various groups is to peruse the members section, which features profiles of their number, including the Lakota in the United States, Albanians in Macedonians, and numerous others. After taking a look there, visitors may want to proceed to the reports section, which includes various topical reports dealing with some of the groups represented by the UNPO. Equally helpful is the area which contains details on the UNPO's activities at the United Nations where they seek to provide their members with assistance in gaining access to the different UN bodies, such as the UN Commission on Human Rights and the Working Group on Indigenous Populations. Finally, the site is rounded out by a helpful links page, which offers direct links to the webpages of relevant non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other supra-national organizations.
Date of Scout Publication
November 30th, 1999
Date Of Record Creation
December 16th, 2004 at 11:37am
Date Of Record Release
January 11th, 2005 at 1:38pm
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