As the originator of the first formal programs in both city and regional planning and urban design in North America, it is fitting that Harvard University's Design School should play host to the fine Harvard Design Magazine. Published bi-annually since 1997, each issue contains thoughtful and provocative pieces that range from book reviews, the practice of architects and planners, to current trends in landscape design. It should be duly noted that only selected materials from the print version of the magazine are made freely available here, but there is certainly enough offered online at no charge to warrant several visits to the site. Some of the more compelling pieces include a commentary on planning titled "Suburbia and its Discontents" by Matthew Kiefer and a fine piece by noted urban designer and theorist Michael Sorkin on the Guggenheim in Las Vegas. For some older chestnuts, visitors need to look no further than the commentary on New Urbanism and communitarianism offered by noted Marxist geographer David Harvey in the Winter/Spring 1997 issue.