International Schools CyberFair is an international program used by schools and youth organizations to provide learning experiences that encourage youth "to connect the knowledge they learn in school to real world applications." Through the Web, youths can conduct research, publish their findings, connect with peers worldwide, and discuss global issues. Participants are eligible for an award within one of eight categories: local leaders, businesses, community organizations, historical landmarks, environment, music, art, and local specialties. The program is sponsored by the World Future Society, a nonprofit, nonpartisan association, although the website also boasts that the program is endorsed by the White House. The theme for the 2005 CyberFair is "Prepare and Unite!" and addresses conditions that will affect communities worldwide. Registration forms for the July 2005 fair are available online along with additional information on rules, suggested timelines, and previous winners. The Success Stories section provides some examples of the ways in which the program has benefited students.