Everyone in the world of exhibit design and "hands-on" learning will benefit from a online visit to the homepage of the British Interactive Group (BIG). The group is designed to support the endeavors of a broad constituency, including educators, students, artists, and archaeologists, among others. Visitors to the site can learn about a host of "best practice" techniques in the field of exhibit and museum design, along with information about recent case studies and relevant research that examines various interactive designs in detail. The core area that contains most of the content is the "Knowledgebase" area of the site. Here visitors can peruse articles that detail basic exhibit building "rules of thumb", visitor interactions with computer exhibits, and information on designing flow patterns through exhibits. The group's online newsletter is also a real find, as visitors can learn about current developments in the field and learn about new initiatives by various institutions in the arena of exhibit design. Finally, visitors may want to join the "Big-Chat e-mail list", which allows a diverse group of individuals to discuss these topics at length and of course, across great distances.