Established in 1988 with a $5 million endowment from Ralph and Goldy Lewis, the Ralph and Goldy Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies was established "to promote the study, understanding and solution of regional policy issues, with special reference to Southern California." Directed by Paul Ong, the Center works on a variety of programs, including studying the impact of welfare-to-work programs, immigration, pollution prevention policies, and economic development strategies. Of course, one of the site's highlights is its strong publication section. Here visitors can download various working papers, policy briefs, and annual reports. Some of the more recent works include "Arts and Cultural Institutions in Los Angeles: Patterns of Utilization" and "The State of Southern California's Housing". The site also features several nice sets of maps, including a time series of maps from 1930 to 2000 that track the population density in Los Angeles County. For those readers of the Scout Report who find themselves in Southern California, there is also a listing of upcoming events sponsored by the Center that take place at UCLA.