Like hiking amidst alpine wildflowers in high summer, wandering through redwood groves in the winter rain, and watching sprouts emerge in the spring, the experience of standing in a tallgrass prairie in the fall can be quite incredible. The following websites take a look at the North American prairie, an important and endangered ecosystem. Created by Dr. Kenneth R. Robertson, a botanist at the Illinois Natural History Survey, the first site ({}) is stocked with excellent photos of numerous prairie plant species. From the University of Minnesota Extension, the second website ({}) contains a bulletin that "describes three typical prairie communities: wet, mesic, and dry, and the plants found in these communities." This bulletin is geared towards landscape architects, educators, professional designers, gardeners, and other native plant enthusiasts. The third site ({}), from Southwest Minnesota State University, contains photos and short descriptions for eighteen common prairie plants. From the FermiLab Education Office, the fourth website ({}) contains the first section of an instructional guide on prairie restoration. The guide includes brief sections on Selecting a Site, Seedbed Preparation, Planting, Watering, and more. The guide also links to an Illustrated Guide to Native Prairie Species, and a collection of reference materials. From the Cooperative Educational Service Agency, the ({}) fifth site presents a prairie education project created by sixth-grade students in Altoona, Wisconsin. Developed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Environmental Education for Kids program, the sixth ({}) website is an artful, kid-friendly introduction to prairie plants. From the Black-Footed Ferret Recovery Implementation Team, the final site ({}) provides a variety of information about the endangered, prairie-dwelling black-footed ferret.